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Art & climate action, urban life, model city Venice

now available online -> kiosk and in Walther König art book shop in Frankfurt
art book pick up possible from artistenkind


šnapshots® art books

VENEZIA Water Life šnapshots, 2022

Venezia Water Life šnapshots shows moments with the water in the city from 12/13 Nov 2019. Encouraging a new, contemporary way of thinking with more mindfulness and love for our nature and the environment to avoid the further rise of the water.

This book exhibits memory fragments from 12/13 November 2019, the most extreme high tide since 1966 in the context of climate change. It presents an engaging visual narrative of an extreme event to feel and understand a story that connects environment and society.

With Venice and the rising water, we see the future of all our cities if we don't do more to protect the climate.

39,90 EUR

VENEZIA Clothes Line Life šnapshots, 2022

Venezia Clothes Lines Life šnapshots shows breathtaking places with hanging clothes to engage all cities in the world to return more to our origins. And encourages a new, contemporary way of thinking, acting and living in order to do more for our environment and protect it with the natural drying of laundry.

Venice as a model city for the future in all cities for natural drying of laundry to protect our nature.

29,90 EUR

Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-13 um 19.47_edited.jpg
Insta 6 Clothes.png

šnapshots art books for more climate action

"Shot stands not only for a drink or photo but also for warning, chance, opportunity, trying, motivation and attraction. Something that has a positive effect on something, providing encouragement and new activity. šnaps is based on the German word "schnaps" for fruit brands, written with the Slavic "š". In this context, šnaps stands for more serenity for all our activities and ways which we wish to create better."

"Shot steht nicht nur für ein Getränk oder ein Foto, sondern auch für Warnung, Chance, Gelegenheit, Versuch, Motivation und Anziehung. Etwas, das sich positiv auf etwas auswirkt, Ermutigung und neue Aktivität bietet. šnaps basiert auf dem deutschen Wort "Schnaps" für Obstbrände, geschrieben mit dem slawischen "š". In diesem Zusammenhang steht šnaps für mehr Gelassenheit bei all unseren Aktivitäten und Wegen, die wir besser gestalten wollen."

šnapshots® art books

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